Playoff schedule. Matches will be best of 3 to 21 cap at 23, 3rd set to 15, no cap.  
  Single elimination.
Games will start at 6:15pm!!!  
Teams should be present at 6:00pm, you will be playing or ref/scoring.
Winning teams will be playing again at 7:15
Winning teams return scoresheet to table.
Losing teams please stay to score/ref.
Late teams:
1 point per minute late, 15 minutes late = forfeit 1st  set, 
30 minutes late = forfeit 2nd set.
Team Prizes for each Division (ex: AA1, AA2, B3…)
1st : Sens tickets and t-shirts
2nd: T-shirts
Specific schedule will be available soon.     
Sunday co-ed 6's will be played at Shefford, 6:15 start.