Max Volley Beach Rules


Note: These rules should be enforced strictly in the top tiers and given more leniency in lower tiers.

Updated July 19th, 2010.




Court size: 16m x 8m

Net height: men 2.43m, women 2.24m


The Serve:

The Service can be done anywhere behind the back line.  Your foot cannot touch or go passed (under or over) the line while serving.

The ball can touch the net.

Serve Reception:

Must be taken cleanly.  No lift is allowed. No volleys allowed on serve reception.(top tiers)

If receiving players cannot see server, you can ask the opponent to move so your view is not obstructed.


If done with a volley: cannot be a double touch, but players are allowed to hold the ball longer for better control.

If the set goes over the net and the volley was clean, it’s good.

If the player’s intention is to volley the ball over the net, the player must be square to the direction he is sending the ball.  (forward or backward)


Open hand tips are not allowed. 

When hitting, contact with ball must be “crisp”. 

Roll shots are ok.


The block counts as a hit, the team only has two more hits before they must send it over.

The blocking player can block the ball and then pop it up but this counts as two hits.

Teams First contact:

Unless it’s a hard driven ball (spike), the first contact cannot be a lift or double touch.    Volleys on the first contact must be perfect!


If the ball touches the line, it is in.

Players can never touch the net, unless there are high winds and the net infraction does not influence the play, or unless the ball pushes the net onto an opposing player and the net infraction does not influence the play.

Players can cross the middle line at the net as long as they do not obstruct the opponent.

Teams usually switch sides every 7 points.  (ie: 3-4, 8-6, 14-7…)



Max Volley Beach Rules (continued)


Co-ed Doubles

Net height: 2.24m

Court size: 16m x 8m

As above and add:

Guys must hit behind the 3m line.  They can step on the line but cannot pass it at all.  (ie: toe mark that crosses the line is a fault).  When the guy is in front of the 3m line and his feet are on the ground, he can send the ball over the net any way he wants but it cannot be a hard driven ball (spike). If the guy jumps when in front of the 3m line, contact with the ball must be made below the top line of the net.  Guys cannot bloc girls, but a “joust” (contacting the ball at the net with one hand) is ok.


Co-ed Fours

Net height: 2.24m

Court size: 16m x 8m

As co-ed doubles with the exceptions:

The bloc does not count as a hit.

Open hand tips are not allowed.

A team can play with 3 players if a substitute is not found.


Co-ed Sixes;

Net height: 2.24m

Court size: 16m x 8m

Same as indoor rules.

A team can play with 4 players if substitutes are not found.


Tie Breaking


If 2 teams tied: the head-to-head result, points for/against

If still tied, points for/against with all the games of these 2 teams.

If still tied, result from previous week.

If 3 teams tied: points for/against.  In the case of a tier of 4, only with the games that the 3 teams are involved in.

Then if plus/minus still tied, whichever team scored more points in their loss.

If still tied, results from previous week.




Are permitted. You can see the subs/singles list online for players.  Note that subs should be approximately the same caliber. 

Existing Max Volley league players can substitute.  If they do on the same night, they can be a maximum of 4 tiers higher.

If more than half the team are substitutes (ie: 2 players in a doubles team, 3 players in a fours team), the team cannot move up a tier that week, but can stay in the tier or go down. 

For doubles, substitutes can only be done between sets. (If 3 players show-up to play doubles)  You cannot sub during play unless it is due to injury, and the player cannot return for the match.








All teams will make the playoffs.  In the tiered system, the standings are determined by your average tier in the last few weeks of the league.

Substitutes are permitted as long as they have played at least once for your team..


Late Teams


Teams who are 5 minutes late forfeit the first set, 15 minutes late forfeit the second set.

If the game starts late, 1 point per minute is given to the team that is ready to play; to a maximum of 4 points for 4 minutes, because the 5th minute is a forfeit to the late team.